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Floods in India and Its Control Essay

Nations flooded by a satisfactory stream framework are from numerous points of view favored. These streams help agribusiness, however they g...

Sunday, March 22, 2020

In Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare, Two Characters Speak At Caesa

In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, two characters speak at Caesar's funeral. Caesar was just murdered by his best friend Brutus and the Conspirators. Brutus and Antony both speak at the funeral, but each had their own purpose and reason for doing so. Both speeches had their own unique way of addressing the crowd as well as differing styles. Therefore, differing effects on the crowd as a result of their differing styles and techniques. Brutus was first to speak. He and the Conspirators approaches the stand with their hands dripping in Caesar's blood. Brutus approaches the crowd by stating that his reason for killing Caesar. His reason was not because he did not love Caesar, but because he loved Rome more. Specifically, he says: Brutus rose against Caesar, that is my answer: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more ( III, ii, 21-22 ) This quote pretty much proves and summarizes Brutus' point in his speech. To achieve his goals, Brutus' oratory techniques were simple, logical, and rational. Brutus' speech is very formal, controlled, and it seems that all of the sentences are perfectly balanced. Although he did a very good job at explaining to the confused crowd that murdering Caesar was for the good of Rome, he still hadn't won them over yet. Brutus explained again that he loved Caesar, but that his death was for the good of Rome. " As Caesar loved me, I weep for him" ( III, ii, 25-26 ). Brutus explains here that he still cared for Caesar and he still also claimed that Caesar was not good for Rome because he was ambitious. He mourns his death. Brutus came into a confused and curious crowd. After he explained himself and his purpose, the people were reluctant to believed him, yet they were convinced for only a short while. Brutus leaves the scene and the stand for Antony to speak. Antony begins by explaining that he only wants to bury Caesar, not praise him. Antony says that he does not wish to disgrace Brutus' honorable name. " But Brutus says he is ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man" ( III, ii, 87-88 ). This quote proves how Antony kept mentioning about Brutus and the Concpirators. Although he mentions that Brutus is an honorable man, he means the opposite. Antony wants mutiny against the Conspirators. He wants revenge. Antony's technique, although, was very original. He used repetition. His use of repetition created a sense of sarcasm about Brutus and the Conspirators when he repeatedly referred to them as " honorable men". Antony made use of mentioning that Caesar was not ambitious for three reasons: he refused the crown three times, he did not pocket the money, rather, he put it in the treasury, and he wept for the poor. By saying this, Antony hoped to get the attention of the crowd counteracting Brutus' statement of Caesar being ambitious. Also, Antony makes good use of Caesars will and the dead body. He tries to intice the crowd by referring to the will, which offered seventy five drachma to each citizen as well as Caesar's land to be used for a public park. At first, the people were against Antony, due to Brutus' previous speech. Antony did an excellent job of perswaying the crowd and moving them to mutiny, which was his original purpose. Although it was Antony's appeal to the crowds emotions that ultimately swayed them to his side. In conclusion, both Brutus and Atony's speeches were very important to that story so that the point could be lead across of Caesar's death. Both characters shared their opinions and in the end, one got the approval of the crowd. In this, Antony did a very good job of moving the crowd to mutiny.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Balmer Series Definition in Science

Balmer Series Definition in Science The Balmer series is the portion of the emission spectrum of hydrogen that represents electron transitions from energy levels n 2 to n 2. These are four lines in the visible spectrum. They are also known as the Balmer lines.The four visible Balmer lines of hydrogen appear at 410 nm, 434 nm, 486 nm and 656 nm. These are caused by photons produced by electrons in excited states transitioning to more stable energy levels. There are also multiple ultraviolet Balmer lines that have wavelengths shorter than 400 nm. The spectrum becomes continuous approaching 364.6 nm (ultraviolet). Note: While Balmer discovered four visible lines, five other hydrogen spectral series were later discovered for values of n besides 2. The Balmer series in especially important in astronomy. The lines are seem emitted by many stellar objects because most of the universe consists of the element hydrogen. The series is used to help determine the surface temperature of stars. Source Nave, C. R. (2006). Hydrogen Spectrum. HyperPhysics. Georgia State University.